With this exciting new game mode, you have the opportunity to engage in intense battles against each other. However, as is often the case with new additions and new things, some minor errors also came to light. In the past few days, we have been working hard to address these issues and improve the gaming experience for all of you.

Coin & XP Limit Correction:

One of the first issues we tackled concerns the Coin & XP Limit. We noticed some inconsistencies here and want to ensure that players receive the rewards they deserve. The limit has now been corrected to ensure that every player receives full compensation for their achievements.


Jerky respawn problems fixed:

An annoying stutter when spectating after a player dies is now history. Fixing this issue will make the overall game experience smoother and more enjoyable.


Scoreboard Update:

It’s frustrating when a player leaves the match during the game, and the scoreboard of their remaining teammates is no longer updated. We understand how important it is to keep track of the team’s performance. This issue has been promptly resolved, so the scoreboard is now correctly updated regardless of who leaves the game.


Manually mined resources for quests:

To ensure a balanced and fair game experience, we have reviewed quests and found that resources that are mined automatically were mistakenly not being counted. From now on, all mined resources for quests will be taken into account to ensure that all players have an equal chance of completing their quests.


Spectator Progress in Conquests:

Another inconsistency was related to counting spectators towards the progress of a conquest. This was, of course, not intended and has been promptly addressed. Spectators no longer contribute to the progress of a conquest to ensure that the competition remains fair and focused on active participants.

We would like to thank you for your patience and valuable feedback. Your feedback is important to us, and we strive to make PlayLegend.net a place where players can enjoy an optimal experience. With BorderBattle and these bug fixes, we hope to make your gaming experience on our network even more exciting and smooth.


Stay tuned as we have many more exciting developments and features in the pipeline. Thank you for being part of the PlayLegend.net community!