Upon entering the round, one of the 24 players is randomly chosen to be the seeker and all others must hide.
The seeker has to wait in a separate room at the beginning and doesn’t see the other players who have to hide. Within this time, the hiders have the opportunity to choose one of the given block pallets as which they want to hide. Once a choice is made, the player transforms into that block.





From now on players move as blocks across the map. If a hiding place matching the selected block has been found, the player simply remains there. After a short time in which he is not allowed to move, his selected block blends into the environment. It now looks like a normally placed block and is indistinguishable from the others. However, the position can also be left again and a hiding place found in another place.

Once the hide phase is over, the hider can no longer change their selected block. The seeker is now released from his room and has to find the players hidden as blocks.

This can be displayed as which blocks all players are camouflaged. With this help, he must now search for similar blocks. With the sword he is holding, the Seeker can smash the blocks around. However, this sword has a cooldown after several hits, so after these hits you have to wait a short time before it can be used again.


If the seeker finds a hidden player, he must hit him with his sword until he runs out of life. After a short waiting time, the killed hider becomes a seeker himself and must now find the other players as well. With every player he finds, he gets more support and maybe one of the former hiders still knows where others have hidden. Therefore, players can still change their position at any time in order to avoid any discoveries.


However, the hidden players also have the opportunity to hit the seekers with their own sword. This can either annoy them or defend other hidden players who are in danger of being killed. However, this sword doesn’t do a lot of damage, although with enough hits the seeker can also die and be put back into its starting space for a short time. The game ends as soon as the seekers’ time runs out or all hidden players have been found.

The team that has surviving players or all players on the seeker side wins the round.