The hot summer days are over for now, but that doesn’t change our exciting topics that we share with you every week on Sunday. This week, we’d like to take a look at the controversial Minecraft version 1.19 and explain why this and all future updates will still be good for Legend.

With the new version, the “mangrove swamp” has also been added!

What does a version change mean for the network?

Switching from one version of Minecraft to the next is like renovating your apartment. First, you have to make sure you have enough space to paint without splattering everything with paint. Then you gradually paint all the walls (The main infrastructure systems that hold the network together) and only at the very end are you moving the furniture back in (Our systems and plugins that need to be updated to the new version).


As you probably understand, this is a process that is not necessarily complicated, but needs to be done every now and then to bring a breath of fresh air and keep us feeling comfortable in our own walls.


You may be familiar with version updates from other servers, however, there is a difference between networks that continue to rely on the 1.8 as a base framework and servers that completely update all systems to the latest Minecraft version. The latter is the slower and more costly method, but it also brings all the new features of the update.

The Allay flies through the world as a new ally and collects items for you!

The Report System

But now we come to the real question – why do we want to use 1.19.1+, even though Microsoft’s questionable report system was added there, where targeted players can be excluded if they don’t follow the chat rules.


We support Microsoft and Mojang in their thought that Minecraft should be a place where every person can feel comfortable without exceptions. However, we would like to ensure this with our own systems and not use Minecraft’s internal implementation for this purpose. As it is currently implemented, the system has loopholes that can be exploited to specifically exclude others from multiplayer servers, which we don’t want to support.


That’s why we have already deactivated the 1.19 report functions on our test system and will only use them in the future when we think the system has been well reworked.


We can already assure you that the new version will open many new doors for us, which we will use to constantly improve the server. For example, our build team has already switched to 1.19, so you can look forward to many varied and novel maps with the new blocks.



We hope that we could ease some of your worries about the new Minecraft version with this blog post. We are continuing to work on the network day by day and will get back to you in time with a new date for the next Foundertest.


Do you know our mode Cactusclicker yet? In last week’s blog post we wrote about the talent system, which will provide great variety and long-term motivation in our first big mode with over 45 talents. If you want to learn more about it, you can read about it here.